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The Difference Between Coparenting And Equal Parenting Time

Coparenting research supports the tenet that coparenting influences the adjustment and well-being of  all members of the family both parents and children, and the parenting relationship.  

Coparenting refers to shared responsibilities in caring for a child. Approximately 50 percent of American children will see their parents' divorce or separate, and 16 percent of children live in a home with a step-parent, step-sibling, or half-sibling. Coparenting in these situations requires a great deal of cooperation, communication, and planning. It requires acting with intention and care in favor of the child's development.


Co-parenting after divorce promotes healthy development and the well-being of children. The commitment is not about friendship between parents, but rather enables the child to have a healthy relationship with both parents and less stress in moving between homes.

CoParenting Basics

  • Coparents should be open to listening and compromising.
  • Before engaging with the other parent on a tough topic, consciously determine what you believe is in the best interests of the child and be prepared to share your ideas when trying to work through disagreements with your coparent.
  • Aim for as much consistency as possible between the two homes.
  • Avoid speaking negatively of the other coparent, even to family when the children are not around, as such comments are inadvertently repeated in front of the children by less vigilant parties. 
  • Realize that coparenting does not guarantee everything is equal between coparents. Rather, there should always be equity with the balance moving between the parents as the best interest of the child requires.

 Children who have healthy relationships with both parents and a sense of having two homes and two loving parents together with consistency between homes on significant matters do well.

If you have coparenting questions or seek support in your relationship with your coparent, get in touch. Coparenting is an area in which I have conducted extensive research and have helped hundreds of parents find success.

Dr. Jodi Peary

Two Step

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