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7 Quick Things You Can do Today to Build Momentum to Achieve Your Goals

You’re on the way!

You have a goal in mind.

You’re working hard to reach it.

You may seek to achieve something personal.

You might be, with full focus, concentrating solely on your career.

Whatever it is you want, you’re hungry for it.

You can’t wait to see the culmination of all this hard work.

…only everything seems to be moving so slow…

7 Quick Things You Can do Today to Build Momentum

You’re lacking momentum.

Momentum is what pushes you into action.

It speeds you up as you work the steps and keeps you going.


 So, what do you do when momentum is lagging?

A question that sounds like a sonata to my psychologist ears.

Easy peasy my friend.

You find ways to build it.

Try these 7 quick tips guaranteed to make s**t happen:


Visualize the Future

Ask yourself, "Where do I want to be in 6 months? What about next year or the next five years?"

Seeing yourself in the future is a powerful and positive way to maintain momentum.

Getting excited about the you of tomorrow, vests you in that version of yourself. You’ll find yourself fighting to realize that part of you right now.

Get Up and Do Something

Languishing in stagnation?  Scrap the sixth episode of your Netflix binge candy.  Stand up!

Create some mischief of your own!!!!!!

Play a game, take a walk, spend time with friends.

Do inspirational things to fill you with enthusiasm.


Learn Stuff

My dear, an active mind is a creative mind.

The act of learning, even in small increments such as 10-15 minutes a day, will improve cognitive function. In short, by keeping your mind active, you will pick up momentum.


Act When You Don’t Feel Like It and Treat Yourself For Doing So

If you’re waiting for the muse to strike, stop. Perfect moments are rare. Momentum means keeping going, even when you don’t feel like it.  Knowing of course that a lovely glass of sparkling rose awaits your completion.


Put Your Phone Away

Giving yourself the gift of uninterrupted time does wonders for momentum. Just one hour, experiment!!!

By turning off your phone for an hour, you’ll give yourself the freedom to relax, recharge, explore, and forge ahead. Uninterrupted time is a treasure...treasure it with momentous action!!!


When it comes to momentum, if you’ve found you’re slowing down and your cost benefit analysis has left you heavily overloaded with cost and a twinge of benefit smaller than a firefly, it might be because what you’re doing just doesn’t work.   In this case, consider whether the smartest thing to do is to stop. Don’t waste time beating your beautiful head against a wall when you could be making progress elsewhere.

Do Something Scary

It’s the challenge that pushes you to new limits. When you do what’s easy, momentum lags. This is why it’s so important to challenge yourself to do the things you never thought you would. Bungee jumping off the bridge over the Zambizee river in Zimbabwe had me exhilarated for tasks like there was no tomorrow.  I could swear my daughters could hear me thinking, "Girl, is there anything you can't do?"

Embrace that which moves you!!!

Remember, whatever you can find to help keep the momentum going, embrace!

If affirmations help, post a bunch of them everywhere.  Fave for today:

Put on music to get you moving.

Create a social life around people who support you wholeheartedly.

You’re the one in charge of your destiny, it’s up to you to act.

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