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Give Yourself An Intuitive Heart Reading

A Four Chambers of the Heart Reading of yourself is a wonderful way to get to know yourself better so that you can live from empowered awareness. I learned this technique from my teacher, Sonia Choquette, and it is one of my favorite forms of self-care.

The 4 quadrants of the heart, the upper right, the upper left, the lower right, and the lower left each hold the energy for a different aspect of our being.

The upper left chamber of the heart is the wise heart. The upper right chamber of the heart is the inner child heart. The lower right chamber of the heart is the inner adult heart. The lower left chamber of the heart is the courageous heart.


Reading the wise heart chamber, the upper left chamber, allows you to look at all of life from the perspective of your soul or higher self. Once you are in a centered meditative space ask this heart chamber to tell you about all of the challenges you have experienced over the course of your life. See those challenges from the perspective of your higher self. Notice the interconnection and how these challenges have expanded your sense of self. The wise heart holds all that you have learned.

Amanda gave herself the 4 chambers of the heart reading and gained powerful insights as she read the energy of her wise heart.  Her wise heart's message to Amanda's question, "What do I need to know?" was to see how she learned the most from her prior challenges when she made the choice to look inward for answers to why she was struggling. The wise heart's message was for Amanda to listen for and trust her inner wisdom.

Diane gave herself the 4 chambers of the heart reading and was surprised at what she learned as she read the energy of her wise heart.  Her wise heart's message to Diane's question, "What do I need to know?" was anchored in her love for her work. She truly loves her work but because it is work, she wasn't appreciating the joy and fun she actually got from it. She had been spending more money than felt right for her and realized that she enjoyed work equally if not more than buying the many luxuries she had invested in as of late. She felt she needed to gift herself for all of her efforts because it didn't feel right to consider her work helping others who were struggling in a positive way. She couldn't see that she could love her work without loving the situations that brought people to need her services. Her wise heart's message was to begin to truly expereince her work as the gift to her that it truly is.



Reading the wounded child heart chamber, the upper right chamber, enables you to view life from the perspective of your inner child. As you continue to be centered in your meditative mindset ask this heart chamber to tell you about what your inner child needs right now. Ask how your inner child can feel healed and experience more joy. "What does she need form me today?"

Naomi asked her inner child heart chamber to share with her intuitively, "What does my inner child need form me today?" The message initially brought a wave of sad emotion as she heard very clearly the internal message, "I am still here." She realized her need to move on from the past had led her to wrongly believe she had to let go of that inner child. She realized that entering a playful frame of mind at least once a day would be a powerful message to her inner child that she could still see her, feel her, hear her.



Reading the inner adult heart chamber, the lower right chamber, allows you to look at all of life from the perspective of your inner adult self. Once you are in a centered meditative space ask this heart chamber to tell you about what this adult element of the self needs now.

As you continue to meditate through your reading of the heart first become aware of how different the energy feels reading this heart compared to the inner child heart. This part of the reading evokes the active dynamic creator with in you. Be curious about what message you need to receive here. Is there anything blocking this part of the self to come into full expression?

Marie received the message from her inner adult heart to release the shame blocking her from being ambitious. She had felt that her desire to do more and be more was egotistical, even narcissistic, since she had a spouse who worked hard and 2 little boys that needed her to be fully present in their lives. The message was that she could acknowledge the responsibilities that the roles of wife and mother gave her without discounting the responsibility she had toward herself to live a multi-dimensional life. Moving slowly through the transition of parenting young children and figuring out what she wanted to do with her life was totally okay. Actually, her heart told her that the soft slow beat emanating from this chamber could serve as a guide to the perfection of moving softly and slowly with her ambition into the world of fully developing who she was as a person and what her life purpose might be in addition to the immense purpose she felt in her roles with her family.



Reading the courageous heart chamber, the lower left chamber, allows you to look at your life and the way you move through life from the perspective of your courageous heart. Answers from this heart chamber tend to lend insight into the role ego is playing in our lives. Is there a balance between ego action and courageous heart action? Is ego action overriding the values of the courageous heart?  Is fear keeping you from living a life that you love?

Michelle received the message from her courageous heart that her tendency toward people pleasing was pushing back her desire to move from the energy of her courageous heart. She wanted to learn more about mediumship, a subject her family found foolish. She visited various online groups centered around the subject of mediumship and read about it as well as practiced developing her own abilities. She hid her interest from her family. This brought a feeling of disconnection from her authentic self. Her heart told her that her secrecy about the subjects she was interested in was not just maintaining privacy, as she had told herself, but was an act of hiding parts of herself out of shame.

The four chambers of the heart reading is a powerful way to not only read your current situation but to begin living from a place of empowered awareness. Come to know yourself without fear. You will see someone you love and admire.



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