"Our Purpose is to love and be loved. It is not to prove to others that we are lovable." Megan Watterson
What conditions do others require you meet in order to feel loved?
Did these conditions become the conditions you require you meet in order to feel loved?
Do you need to look a certain way to be loved by others? To be loved by yourself?
Must you deny the number of years you have lived in this world?
Must you prove yourself young and innocent?
Is it more attractive to be naive than wise?
Do you need to feel certain emotions to be loved? Will they wrap their arms around the happy girl and ignore the resentful one?
What are the ugly moods? Can feeling them keep you from being loved? By yourself? By others?
What do your children, your job, your neighborhood tell others about how much you deserve love?
Must the landscape of your life be a garden, a field, an industry?
Does your level of leisure tell others the love about which you are deserving?
Can you love yourself on a lazy day?
What about your diet?
Does what you eat mitigate the flow of love your way?
When your voice carries the cadence of raw truth, does anybody listen? Do you listen? Or do you drown that voice out and over and under with chatter?
Do This
Draw a circle that encloses all the conditions others have set for you in order for them to love you.
What do you love that is outside this circle?
What do you give up if, when, you choose to step, to live, outside of this circle?
You do not have to choose to be your own person. But shouldn't you at least be aware of the costs you are paying for conditional love?
I grew up with conditional love.
I married conditional love.
I befriended conditional love.
Through it all, I never once felt lovable.
One day I sat outside the conditions others set for loving me. All that I had been subconsciously worried about actually happened. As I sat outside the conditions they set for being in their lives, they quickly lock the doors to their circle.
I stepped outside the circle of their conditional love and entered the realm of the unconditional, a realm where I began to finally feel the love from within me.
How do you set up your days?
Do your days reflect what you feel is most important?
It is essential that we ask ourselves whether the way we set up our days reflects what we believe is most important. The way we set up our days is the way we set up our life.
Where will the accumulation of your days bring you to standing when you are standing at the location of your last days?
Where does love find its way in?
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