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When it Comes to a CoParenting Plan, it is all in the Details!

Couples in conflict often feel overwhelmed by the many layers of change they must begin considering when they try to determine whether their marriage can be saved.
One belief I share with the many individuals and couples grappling with this tough decision is this:
I believe that it is important to have a realistic vision of what life will look like either way, in order to make the best decision possible for you and your children.
One of the first issues I ask couples to consider is how they will continue to parent, either while they are working on the marriage or working through a divorce.
Parenting in separate homes is a major unknown for most couples who are considering whether they will remain married. I have created a checklist that helps parents consider all of the important details they will need to consider and come to agreement upon. It is called the Parenting Plan Essentials Checklist and you can download it from the link.
When divorce becomes part of a family's plans, Enlightened CoParenting calls for creating a parenting plan that realistically accounts for each family member's needs. A Parenting Plan that meets the needs of children and coparents is a necessary foundation for moving forward and building the next stage of family life.
Couples who are actively considering divorce or passively wondering what they want their life to include 5 years from now. need this information 
With so many unknowns we are facing in terms of covid and its impact on education and the economy, I want to be able to help those who will need it to get a head start in building a future that allows the family to continue even if parents divorce.
The more specific you can be in addressing the details of life in the parenting plan, the less you, as coparents, will need to argue and stress about later.
It is true that a plan heavy with details is likely to need to be reviewed annually.
I would argue this:
However, minimizing the unknowns, considering both parents' work schedules, developmental and educational needs of all of the children, and the emotional and spiritual needs of the family offers the possibility of divorce recovery sooner rather than later, thereby outweighing the cost of needing to review the plan before the traditional two year period.
If we want to protect our children from negative risks from divorce, minimizing stress and conflict is key. One key to achieving a peaceful coparenting rhythm is to begin the coparenting journey using a plan that parents believe they will be able to realistically follow.
If you would like to know more about the Enlightened CoParenting Course or if you would just like to receive the Parenting Plan Essentials checklist, go to this link:

Two Step

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